Hey gang.
Like the many that have also been lured by the irresistible sirens of Twitter, I too have crashed my ship into it's rocky shores. So check out my Twitter page.
So, in other news, I was on my Newgrounds account and to my dismay realized I had only submitted one animation last year. One animation!? I am appalled in myself, and I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids demanding I work harder!
But I decided to rectify this situation for 2011 before I fall into a bad habit of not animating. I've recently started the pilot episode of a hopeful series, called Andy's Adventures, which will star me and a few friends, and I plan for this to come out sometime in the next 2 or 3 months.
On the bright side my youtube channel just reached 1000 subscribers and there's a few things I've released on there (even if they do lack any form of entertainment or substance.)
A video celebrating 1000 subscribers:
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A short skit video about drugs and such:
/* */
But anyway, I hope 2011 is good so far and you're all doing whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. I'm doing a ton of exams at the moment with GCSEs so I've kept a little under the radar for a while ): Also going to a fancy dress party soon and I have to dress as something that begins with, 'L' or, 'J.' Any ideas? I'm thinking a ladel. I'm sure they sell ladel costumes.
P.S. Here is a little screenshot to tickle your taste buds, of the opening shot of Andy's Adventures.